Allergies Are In Season


Allergies are a year-round problem. We have solutions.

Though many of us associate allergies with the change of seasons, they’re actually a prevalent issue all year round. We want to best equip you to diagnose, prevent, and treat your pet’s allergies!

Allergy Symptoms

Excessive licking, biting, chewing or scratching at certain areas of the body or all over
Excessive rolling or scooting
Hair loss on certain spots of the body or thinning hair all over
Reoccurring ear infections
Sores/scabs on the skin
Poor coat condition
Redness to areas on the skin

Don’t worry, relief is in sight!

We have a variety of treatment options available for allergies. You can learn more about our recommendations below, though we will make a specific recommendation and treatment plan on a case by case basis. Our allergy treatment plans will be perfectly tailored for your pet!

Not seeing results?
If you’ve tried home remedies, over-the-counter medications, shampoos, lotions, or other medications that are not providing relief, our team will be here to help. We’d like to introduce you to the options below.

Allergy Testing

This is a blood lab test that will test for environmental and food allergies. We will send this out to a lab for the most accurate results. If a pet is positive for any allergy, oral medication can be made to treat that pet’s specific allergies.

Food Trials

If there is a concern that your pet might have a food allergy, we may recommend a food trial as a good starting place. All of our food is satisfaction guaranteed with a full refund if you are unhappy with the product or results.

New Treatment Options



An oral non-steroidal long term medication that works differently than other medications as it goes right to the source to stop the itch and relieve inflammation.

Click here to learn more.


This is an injection given every 4-8 weeks, as needed. It works like your dog’s immune system, containing antibodies that specifically target and neutralize proteins that send itch signals.

Click here to learn more.

We know the discomfort allergies cause.

We know the constant licking and chewing creates unhappy pets and concerned parents. We’re here to help your pet feel relief!

Allergy Specials

20% off ALL allergy exams for new clients
20% off ALL second opinion allergy exams

Our veterinarians will choose the most appropriate treatment based on your pet’s symptoms.

Helping People Help Their Pets.

Genoa Animal Hospital provides compassionate and genuine concern for our patients’ health and well-being.

Contact Info

Phone: 815-784-6109
Email: [email protected]


Mon-Thurs: 8:00 am-7:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am-6:00 pm
Sat: 8:00am-1:00pm
Sun: Closed
For appointment hours, click here.


703 Pearson Drive
Genoa, IL 60135
Click here for directions.

Get in touch!

Have a question for our team? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

Book an appointment with us!